Sebaceous Hyperplasia

An in-depth analysis, guide and treatment methods, both at the doctor's and for home use.

First of all, it is important to me that you read this:
IMPORTANT: Some sebaceous hyperplasia bumps look like a type of skin cancer known as basal cell carcinoma. So always start with a visit to a dermatologist to get the right diagnosis.

Sebaceous hyperplasia is a dermatological condition that affects the sebaceous glands of the skin. This article provides a comprehensive insight into sebaceous hyperplasia, including causes, symptoms, diagnosis and various treatment options.

Causes and mechanisms:
Sebaceous hyperplasia occurs due to overproduction of sebum, a natural oil-producing substance secreted by the sebaceous glands. The causes of sebaceous hyperplasia are not yet fully understood, but it is believed to be related to hormonal imbalances, genetic factors and sun damage to the skin. This condition is more prevalent in older people due to increased sebum production with age. So yes, again, it is protection against the sun's harmful UV rays that you should look for as soon as possible, also in winter.

Symptoms and diagnosis:
Sebaceous hyperplasia is characterized by small, raised nodules on the skin. These nodules are usually yellowish or white and have a smooth surface. They occur most frequently in areas with active sebaceous glands, such as the face, especially on the nose, forehead and cheeks. Symptoms vary in severity and number, and some people may experience itching or tenderness in the affected areas.

The diagnosis of sebaceous hyperplasia is usually made through a clinical examination by a dermatologist. The specialist will assess the characteristic nodules and differentiate them from similar skin lesions such as basal cell carcinomas or warts. In some cases, a skin biopsy may also be performed to confirm the diagnosis and rule out other possible conditions.

Treatment of sebaceous hyperplasia by a doctor:
Sebaceous hyperplasia is removed by dermatologists, but there are also products you can use at home to keep the bumps in check, I'll talk about that in the next section. A dermatologist often chooses one or a combination of the following options to remove sebaceous hyperplasia:
  • A face peeling with salicylic acid.
  • Laser treatment. This causes the bud to shrink, the sebum is destroyed and a crust forms, which falls off after a week.
  • Photodynamic therapy – here the skin is treated with a gel that reacts to light. This treatment generally requires several visits.
  • Liquid nitrogen. This solution is risky as nitrogen can cause scarring or a topical reduction of your pigment if it penetrates too deeply into the skin.
  • A treatment with a prescription retinoid (vitamin A) or azelaic acid.
  • Surgical intervention to remove the bumps. This can cause scarring, but the bud will not grow back where it was removed. Surgical intervention is often the last resort.
  • Prescription of prescription drugs with an anti-androgen effect that reduces the production of testosterone and other hormones. This is a solution that is chosen when nothing else works. Just like with a surgical procedure.
IMPORTANT: Some sebaceous hyperplasia bumps look like a type of skin cancer known as basal cell carcinoma. So always start with a visit to a dermatologist to get the right diagnosis.

How to get rid of sebaceous hyperplasia using skin care products:

Studies have shown that vitamin A effectively fights sebaceous hyperplasia. It tells the cells to behave "normally" again, so that they can return to their original shape, which improves the skin's structure. You can advantageously use an A-retinoid product every evening as or before your night cream. There are products on the market with as much as 5% such as Raz Skincare A-retinoid.

Fruit acid:
Treatment with a composition of AHA, BHA, etc. has shown great help in the treatment of sebaceous hyperplasia. This treatment should not be done before autumn, as it is a very deep-acting acid composition.

This serum helps regulate excess sebum production as well as repair the skin's protective barrier and microbiome. Start by applying Mdh or a similar product after your cleansing morning and evening.

As previously mentioned, the sun's harmful UV rays are one of the causes of sebaceous hyperplasia, so it may be a good idea to use SPF30 all year round. If you are in doubt whether you remember it, buy a Raz Skincare Fasecream Rich, which has SPF30 in itself. It does not get any easier.

When will I see improvements?
Results vary from person to person. The timing of improvements also depends on how early you start the treatment from when the problem arose. If you follow the guidelines and have not taken care of your skin according to them in the past, you can expect improvements after a few months, but it is important to say that it can take even longer.

5 things you must never do when you have sebaceous hyperplasia:
When you have sebaceous hyperplasia, there are certain things you should avoid to prevent worsening of the condition and protect the skin. Here are five things you should never do when you have sebaceous hyperplasia:
  1. Squeezing, scratching, or popping the nodules: It can be tempting to try to remove or express the nodules associated with sebaceous hyperplasia, but this can worsen the condition and lead to infection or scarring. It is recommended to avoid squeezing or popping the knots at home.
  2. Using irritating products: When you have sebaceous hyperplasia, it is important to be careful with the products you use on the skin. Avoid using harsh or irritating products that are not intended for sebaceous hyperplasia, they can worsen the condition or lead to skin irritation. Choose skin care products specially formulated or formulated for sebaceous hyperplasia.
  3. Exposing the skin to excessive sun: The sun's UV rays can worsen sebaceous hyperplasia and further damage the skin. It is important to protect the skin from the sun by using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF and to avoid overexposure to the sun. Use sun protection all year round, even on cloudy days.
  4. Overcleansing or scrubbing the skin too hard: Aggressive cleansing or excessive scrubbing can irritate the skin and worsen sebaceous hyperplasia. Be careful not to overcleanse or scrub the skin too hard. Use mild cleaning products, possibly Raz Skincare Powder to Mousse and avoid excessive friction or scrubbing.
  5. Self-treating without medical guidance: Although it may be tempting to try different treatment methods or home remedies, it is important to consult a dermatologist before starting any type of treatment. A professional doctor can properly assess the condition and recommend the most appropriate treatment based on individual needs.
If you have the slightest doubt as to whether you suffer from sebaceous hyplasia, you should consult a doctor.

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